Marketing To Asian Audiences via Social Media

Social media has been steadily growing in popularity having an active fan base comprising of millions of people all over the world. Social media is used on a regular day to day basis and as such, companies find this a perfect opportunity to promote and market their business on this particular platform. This is quite apparent with many companies shifting their attention towards the social media aspect of their business. How can social media be used in creative ways to appeal to different Asian people from all different nationalities?

First off, Southeast Asia is considered to be among the highest social network usage in the world. Southeast Asia has some of the highest penetration of social network usage among internet users which includes Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Social media usage in the Asia Pacific shows that Asia has become critical to Facebook’s growth, boasting more than 426 million monthly active users and around one-third of all Twitter users can be found in countries within the Asia Pacific. As such, there is no reason for companies and business owners to neglect its power and reach to online users.

With that being said, Asian audiences tend to have different preference and taste when it comes to marketing.  Using social media for B2B marketing is a common practice however, it should be noted that Facebook is not the only platform Asians are using. For instance, in China the government has blocked access to social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The number of online users in China is staggering making it important to reach out to their respective needs as well.   In order to reach customers and prospects on social media in Asia, companies and business owners today need to be aware about these types of foreign-based networks – and the countries where they are most popular.

Also a company’s virtue and practices can help draw the attention of their online audience. One of the tips on how to start social media marketing in Asia includes being patient. Like all other communications channels, social media marketing requires patience and time for genuine results and progress to be made. Another noteworthy advice is to focus on promoting quality over quantity with regards to the content that you are providing. Social media does not grow overnight and as such, companies in the present need to a focus on longer-term quality content, relationships, and initiatives that will serve their company better in contrast to short bursts of activity, which will be forgotten in a short amount of time.

For foreign companies who are trying to market to Asian audience through social media, they can get a better understanding on how the market works with the help of Asian artistic groups such as ACM in Sydney. People who have lived in Asia themselves have a better understanding with the Asian market turning them into invaluable assets companies can use today. You can check their Facebook page out to have an overview on their field and craft as well as the type of content that they provide to their followers and clients. This includes articles, news, photos and videos that they share on a frequent basis to their fans. Consider following their social media pages today.