Sleaze Marketing: Same Old Needs but Now in Digital Feeds

Appealing to the base appetites of men has been an overwhelmingly successful marketing strategy for millennia. Sleaze marketing shows no sign of slowing up in the twenty first century, it has just donned a digital suit. The virtual world of pixels and bytes is alive with pornographic images of bumping, grinding, thrusting and slurping. Sex makes people feel alive; and getting turned on, often, turns back the clock for many. Marketers know that linking sex with their products can make them grow legs and walk out the door.

Of course, calling something sleaze marketing is a judgement from on high, it means that those condemning the approach as ‘sleaze’ are positioning themselves on the high moral ground. Wowsers and killjoys of all persuasions love to do this to make themselves feel superior. Christians and people of faith, who believe in an invisible entity which has never been reliably seen, tut tut to themselves, and to each other, about falling standards and carnal appetites. There has always been a battle on earth between those aligned with spirit and those with flesh. The idealists and the materialists gnash teeth and bemoan the other as beneath contempt.

Sleaze Marketing: Same Old Needs but Now in Digital Feeds

Old-fashioned phone sex still fulfils a need in the community, for those who wish to talk dirty but do not have the opportunity to do it in the flesh. Filth must have its time in the sun; and the commercial sex industry understands this need within humanity. I think, it has something to do with how many people were brought up, and how society has traditionally kept carnal desires in the backroom. When people repress their animal urges, they have to go somewhere, and if they can’t bring them out and show the wife or girlfriend, then, specialised outlets pop up to service and milk them simultaneously.

You are not going to get everyone in line by enforcing political correctness. They may pretend in public to be towing the line, but in the privacy of their own minds and bodies they will seek out relief and gratification. Sleaze marketing does not turn the good into evil, it merely, engages the unfulfilled and dissatisfied within our communities. The commercial sex industry is getting bigger and bigger in response to more and more political correctness within our social spheres. Sex is shrinking from the public space and expanding in the shadowy world of commercial sex at an equal rate.